INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide
TEXT: MATTHEW 16: 24-28
KEY VERSE: Matthew 16:28 “verily I say unto you, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the son of man coming in his kingdom”.
Believers need to follow all the eschatological events prophesied in the scriptures according to their manifestation in the present-day realities. That is how the issues are at the moment and it is needful for you to be aware of them. This scripture above in our key verse refers to this generation. This has become a practical message to you that are alive at the moment who are moving about and carrying out one activity or the other, that there will be some among you that are living now that shall not die until Jesus comes and meet them alive.
The rapture is so close that I feel sorrowful that HOREMOW has not done so much for Christ and yet the hour has come so close. I had hoped that we would have sufficient time to gather many souls for Christ nevertheless we seem to be late comers in ministry. Others have had long years of service to God in ministry but we have yet just come at the eleventh hour. We are the ones rounding up the work for Christ. This is how weighty the matter is, but we should just get going like that. God is the God of knowledge and understanding if He feels that there is no more time, we shall continue to work as He gives us the grace to do so.
This is the end time revival. After Holiness revival movement, no other ministry is coming up for a worldwide revival of the church again. The rapture shall meet this ministry at work in this last hour. I pray that your mentality will change from thinking that you may die before the rapture. No, it will not be like that, and many of you who are not yet married may not marry before the rapture. Maybe you are praying to God to allow you get married for a moment before the rapture will take place, well it could be that the rapture may be delayed for a brief period. Be aware that the Lord’s coming is imminent.
Thought for the day: Be aware that the coming of the Lord is imminent
Song for the day: Make me ready (3x) O Lord, in the morning….
Bible reading for the day: 1 Chronicles 14-16; John 9:24-41