TEXT: Jeremiah 2:1-5:
KEY VERSE: Matthew 26:21:
“And as they did eat, he said, Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me.”
When he was taken to heaven and given a revelation to mankind, Michael Sambo said the Lord asked him a question when He was about sending him back to the earth, “Can I depend on you? My son, can I depend on you? Because many of whom I have given similar messages have disappointed Me.” With precious opportunity to see heaven, with precious opportunity to see hell, many came back and forgot those things. They began to live their normal lives as if they never saw those things. That is man for you! Therefore, the Lord is grieved. In today’s devotional text, we see that in the beginning, Israel was holiness unto the Lord. The Lord told them, “If you can remain with Me and can obey My word, you will be unto me a kingdom of priests and an holy nation.” The people said, “Yes, go and tell the Lord we will obey Him; we will keep His word.” Did they continue?
Now, God has become a thing of the past to them. God laments till now about the nature of man. “I remember the days of your youth, at the period of your espousal when I was espoused to you and you too were espoused to Me. When you went after Me in the wilderness, in the land that was not sown, you were submissive to Me. You played holiness. Israel was holiness unto the Lord and the Lord released Himself to protect Israel.” But that did not continue.
Now they have turned away. They don’t practice holiness any more! So the Lord was asking, “Am I responsible for the change in your life? Is the fault with Me? Am I responsible for the change in your attitude towards Me? What iniquity have I committed? Now check on that person. You have watched My activity over that person’s life. What iniquity have you seen in Me that is making that person to turn away, accusing seriously, abusing, and promising not to have anything to do with Me? You have been with Me, what iniquity have you really seen in Me? Nothing! It is just the nature of man. Stability is the problem of man. Jesus knows what is in man that is why He said “Lay hands suddenly on no man.” Jesus saved you, called you and gave you great responsibilities in His kingdom. Can he depend on you to the end?
Thought for the day: Please don’t disappoint God as many have done.
Song for the day: May the Lord depend on you, loyalty is but His due…..
Bible reading for the day: Genesis 9-11; Matthew 4