DATE: SUNDAY 3rd, January 2021
TEXT: John 6:60-69
KEY VERSE: 1 Corinthians 15:19
“If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.”
True preachers are the preachers of righteousness and eternal life. True preachers are those that talk about the world to come because that is actually where life matters. The sum total of God’s word is eternal life. All that the words of God want to achieve in your life is eternal life. Unfortunately, there are people who reject eternal life because the word of eternal life is too heavy for them; the word of eternal life is too strong for them. When Jesus spoke about people drinking His own blood and eating His own flesh, many of His disciples turned away. They said this is a hard saying; who can hear this; who can bear this? The number of His followers that left Him was so much that Jesus was compelled to ask the twelve if they too will not go away. Others have gone, are you not also going away?
The same challenge was faced by Ruth who took decision of eternal life when her mate, Orpah, turned back. Behold, your mate has turned back to her people and to her god. Will you not also turn back? And Ruth answered, “Suffer me not; don’t compel me to turn back. I have made a choice; the choice of eternal life. I have made a choice that your God shall be my God for I have seen Him. I have studied much about Him and I have understood him during my relationship with you these few years. Your people shall be my people, they are a people that know the Living God. Where you die, there will I die and be buried. I have cut off from my own people in the world and no going back. Not even my dead body will go back to idols.” (Paraphrased).
Jesus Christ asked, “Are you not going away?” Peter answered, “Lord to whom shall we go? For we know that You have the words of eternal life; we know that you are the Christ; the Son of the living God. And the words You speak are the words of eternal life; so where do we go again?” This concerns those who have understanding why they are following. Unfortunately, hard words from the pulpit will make those who don’t know the truth turn back. They are not determined; they are like Orpah, they are like the other crowd that turned back. What about you?
Thought for the day: The best choice you can make in this life is to choose eternal life.
Song for the day: I have chosen the way, I have chosen the way……
Bible reading for the day: Genesis 6-8; Matthew 3