INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide
TEXT: Galatians 2: 7-8
KEY VERSE: Ephesians 1:4 ‘According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:’
Paul, the apostle, was called to a great ministry. He guarded jealously the work of the Lord put in his care. He had people working alongside with him to do the work of the Lord. The great work committed to him could not be denied, all those around him knew it, and Paul knew it too. It was to Paul that the message was given, to reach out to the Gentiles and make them live righteous lives. Paul called this ministry his ministry, his gospel and therefore exercised his God-given authority in managing this ministry.
Though Paul addressed this ministry work as his, it was the Lord’s purpose being fulfilled through Paul. If you see then that this work, we are trying to do in this Movement is of the Lord, why then are you entertaining wrong counsel from people concerning it? These people tell you, ‘this ministry is for Pastor Paul Rika; it is not yours, why are you working yourself tirelessly trying to fulfill someone else’s ministry?’ It is evident that these your ‘counselors’ have little understanding of the ways and workings of God.
Paul worked with Barnabas, Silas, Timothy, Titus and Luke that God brought to him. All these served under Paul. The ministry was committed to Paul and not to any of these other men. So, why are you deceived into thinking the ministry has got to be in your name before you can serve and commit yourself to His work wholeheartedly? Why are you so self-seeking, seeking glory and fame for yourself, rather than seeking to glorify the Lord? Why not appreciate the Lord for ordering your steps to this glorious ministry, and inquire of Him what He needs for you to do to promote His course in this end time?
The ministry is always given to one man, and it is according to the Lord’s plan that with the spirit of unity among all, the ministry work will be carried out and for all to benefit from it – if you reject this plan of God there is no alternative plan for you elsewhere.
Thought for the day: Appreciate God for ordering your steps to this glorious ministry
Song for the day: I am so glad I belong to Jesus
Bible reading for the day: Judges 8-9; Luke 8:22-56