INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide
DATE: Monday, January 18, 2021
TEXT: 1 Timothy 4:1-5
KEY VERSE: Proverbs 17:22 ‘A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.’
Before the introduction of conventional medicine, medicines have existed in the world. People have been taking medication and getting healed, to the point that today’s key verse says medicines do good. To deny the goodness of medicine is to deny the truth of God. Isaiah 5:20 says, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” The Scripture has told us that medicine is a good thing just as the Bible says, “My son, eat thou honey, for honey is good.” If the Bible calls honey a good thing and somebody comes to forbid the eating of honey, and says, “Don’t eat honey,” the Bible says, “Woe unto that man!” Who can call evil that which God has called good?
As we read from today’s devotional text, the devil interferes a lot among mankind to turn them away from that which is good by calling it evil. This is especially so in the Church to the point that some creations of God, beautiful as they are and given for human benefit, are labelled by Satan as bad things. Medicine has suffered that much in the hands of Satan. Many people have come up to say that it is a sin to take medicine. In fact, they claim that those who take medicine will go to hell because it shows they don’t have faith in Jesus Christ. That is a doctrine of the devil. The Scripture says, medicine is good, and that God has created all things to be received with thanksgiving.
God created medicine to be received by believers. They that believe and know the truth are to receive it with thanksgiving. Your prayer over it sanctifies and purifies it. It becomes available for your use, so we bless God. You are happy and you thank Him for His wisdom. Yet there may be people who up till now, don’t use the mobile phone because they feel this thing should be the mark of the beast. They may wonder, “How will you be here and be calling somebody in a distant place and speaking with him without any wire connection?” They may feel it must have something to do with Satan, hence they should not be partaker of this “evil thing.” People are always misled by the devil, misinterpreting the good works of God.
Thought for the day: Don’t call evil what God has made good.
Song for the day: Praise ye the Lord from whom all blessings flow…
Bible reading for the day: Genesis 42-43; Matthew 13:33-58