INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide
DATE: Monday, February 1, 2021
TEXT: Luke 14:26-27
KEY VERSE: Matthew 19:29 ‘And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.’
As a true disciple, there is a cost of following Jesus. You might be a woman married to a man in a second marriage and you have given birth to children. You are even old now and the word of God says it is against the will of God for you to marry a man as second wife. Now, God is asking you to pack out of that house and stay separately. You cannot begin to lament about your children or what would become of them. God is talking to you, not your children. He is saying you are in a wrong marriage because you are a second wife. You are an illegal wife; a prostitute in that house. He is saying you should pack and leave that place. You are asking “God, where will I go? What will I eat? Where will I stay?” Whether it would mean you will be running up and down in the wilderness of this life, God is telling you, “Pack out of that place and leave!” This is a costly obedience for your peace and eternal life.
It is you that thinks you are living well in that house, but God knows you are not living well. He has looked into your tomorrow and knows that your tomorrow is not good in that house. He has seen that you will lose eternal life. That is why He asks you to leave that place. May be you are a man that has married a second or third wife. Maybe your first wife went away and you got married to another one with whom you have been living together. But now the Lord has come to you with a warning as He came to Abimelech and said, “You are a dead man. You have married a woman illegally. You have married another man’s wife.” Don’t begin to say, “My wife has also gone and married somebody else.” That does not mean anything. If you want peace you will do what God asks you to do. Again, you may want to say, “This thing will bring shame to me.” Know that Abraham despised the shame when he sent his son and Hagar away. How many people would have murmured at Abraham because they didn’t hear the voice of God? it was Abraham that heard the voice of God and now God demands obedience from Abraham. Did he begin to think about what people will say? No! Just do it for your peace and eternal life.
Thought for the day: Whatever you do, make sure it is to strengthen your relationship with God and not to break it.
Song for the day: I must go with Jesus everywhere, no matter the roughness…
Bible reading for the day: Exodus 27-28; Matthew 21:23-46