Event details
- Thursday | October 28, 2021
- 4:00 pm
- ZOOM Video Conferencing
Evangelist Linda Paul Rika is a native-born Sierra Leonean, who has had a divine encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. This powerful testimony has been having a great impact in the world, where many are converted, restored, purified, revived and renewed in Christ. Her message has enabled the eyes of many Christians all over the world, to be opened, to true righteousness and holiness. Her testimony has revealed great secrets of the Kingdom of Hell and released many captive daughters and sons. She has since travelled with her husband, Pastor Paul Rika to many nations of the world sharing this powerful testimony.
These are the days of Deborah; the Lord is raising women and pouring His Spirit upon them for end-time ministry and gospel exploits. The Lord is calling His daughters to Christian Ministry in all respects. He promises to be with them and to make them fruitful in the field of His service. Let us expect great revival from Christian women of our time. Daughters of the Most-High, let us receive Spirit-led inspiration and motivation for the gospel ministry. Arise and play your part, the Lord is on his way!
There are many traditions, confusions and doctrines in many churches that have restricted the woman’s participation in spiritual activities to the point that the woman sits down doing little or nothing at all in the church. The ones that are zealous and love to do something are afraid whether they are sinning, going against the will of God or not. It is important to go through the Bible to see what the scriptures have to say about the woman. The scripture has revealed the Lord’s instruction concerning her in the Christian ministry.
Daughter of God, join us as we explore these truths and take our place in the end-time revival. The Lord will pour the Holy Spirit upon you and you will fulfil the divine call and go forth as a labourer in the harvest field. As the Lord set an open door before the church in Philadelphia for their righteousness and holiness, so also the door to full operation of Christian service is opened before you, righteous and holy Christian Woman. Let us arise to the call in Jesus Name!