This book is written to give education to Christians and humanity in general on the superiority of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of all men, to acclaimed gods, prophets or masters of other religions in the world.
The author opens the eyes of readers to know that Christians are not serving the Same God with Muslims. The book shows by the scriptures how Jesus is the Creator-God that made us, being One of the Trinity of the Godhead. The author also shows clearly what is meant by Jesus is the Son of God.
The contention on the name ‘Allah’ as used by the Muslims, Arabic Christians and others is simply resolved. This book will help many Muslims to know the truth that will save their soul from eternal damnation of hell. Many shall enjoy eternal life through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Believers will see the exposition in this book
as a revelation from God to edify their spiritual life and embolden them to evangelize the Muslims and those of other religions.