We cried to him daily and made sure we didn’t offend God by doing all our restitutions we needed to do. We had two prayer requests at the time which was to unite us as a family together and for the fruit of the womb specifically a male child. By October 2018 God heard our cry and I was pregnant. Praise the Lord. We worshiped God thanked him and gave him all the praises he deserves.
We believed already it was a boy. I immediately gave him the name Samuel Bright. Samuel meaning God hears and Bright was named after our Europe coordinator. So this came to confirm the fact that all my tubes were intact only God knows best how it happened. Reason why my brethren we should believe Gods report and not doctor’s report.
I carried the pregnancy successfully through 9months plus. I went to the hospital to be induced. All the methods of induction were administered to cause baby to be born naturally instead the baby was climbing upwards. We prayed individually, prayers were made everywhere for our sake and we decided to accept any form of delivery that will save us from the stress because I also received oxytocin to the highest level yet I had no signs of labour. The bacteria in me was still growing and could only be treated after the baby has been born but I developed fever and it affected the baby and so to save us both surgery needed to be carried out. Surgery was done and baby was delivered safely.
In the course of rounding off the surgery the doctors discovered that the previous operations were poorly done and so they took out more time to correct that which was wrongly done praise the Lord. So I thank God because I know he wanted this correction to be made and that is why he left me go through this. Hallelujah. The lesson we learnt through out this experience was that we should trust God and hold him by his words. And that in every situation we should thank God because he will work out something from it for our good. We titled our testimony as miraculous conception to miraculous birth. Praiiissseee the Lord, Halleluyah.